

中文名字 伊凡天使基督学校
英文名字  Evangel Christian School
学校性质  基督教学校(Christian School)
学校官网  http://www.evangelchristianschool.org
建校时间 1985年
位置 纽约皇后区长岛市
地址 39-21 Crescent St, Long Island City, NY 11101
师生比例 1:14
年级设置 K-12
AP课程  AP微积分等
学生总数 约500人
English Students are required to take four years of English
Computer Tech Students are required to take four years
Science Students are required to take three years of Science, along with lab periods
History Students are required to take four years of History
Math Students are required to take three years of Math
Spanish Students are required to take three years of Spanish for Advanced Regents Diploma
Bible Students are required to take four years of Biblical Instruction
Phys. Ed. Students are required to take four years
Electives Students are required to take one each year
申请费 250美元
注册费 400美元
年总费用 43,750美元(含学费,住宿费,餐费,保险,书本,校服及杂费等费用),ESL不额外收费